When you think about an established or well-known store in Ireland, you immediately get an image of what their interior looks like. It might be an omnipresent newsagent that has a particular colour code for its shelves and counters, or it might be an international clothing outlet that is renowned for its minimal layouts with a select number of products.
Either way, a great deal of thought has gone into the design of these stores.
While it might seem like the design plans for some successful franchises ended with their choice of colour, there is a lot more that goes into it than that.
Take a look over some of our tips for developing a shop fit out that reflects your brand.
Your brand is not just about who you are.
Your brand is also about who your customers are.
If you have a particular demographic that you’d like to capture, then the design of your store is one of the most important ways to capture their attention.
Perhaps you’re after a younger market that likes to hear loud music blasting from the speakers in your shop, or maybe you’d like to offer a secure environment that doesn’t exclude anybody.
Your shop fitting should reflect this.
Write down who your customers are and the rest of your store branding will follow from that.
A real test of how successful your shop fit out branding has been, is whether a random person on the street will recognise it from the corner of their eye.
You’ve probably experienced this yourself.
When you walk down a road you might not be paying attention to everything around you, but for some reason you know for sure that you passed that gigantic yellow and red restaurant chain a few moments ago.
If possible, create noticeable colour schemes and show them off through a wide, bright window.
No matter how bold your shop fit out is, the main thing that is going to make a customer remember your business is the experience they had while there.
To an extent, this is influenced by the interactions they have with your staff and the quality of the service that you provide, but don’t underestimate how much a good shop fit out can help.
Is your store easy to navigate? Can your customers find what they need or would you prefer to direct them to your sales team?
The floor plan of your business is a factor when considering these things.
There are some fantastic opportunities to develop your brand. As the leading Shopfitter company in Ireland, you can contact us to find out more.