As a retailer, you know that the fit out is the “face” of your business. It’s the first thing the customer sees; the foundation of that all-important first impression.
Opting for a new shopfit is not only a major commitment, but a huge investment too. Though from a long-term perspective, you know that the cost of a retail fit out is a worthwhile and necessary one. If only it didn’t cost so much, says you.
When it comes to shopfitting, customers know that cheap usually always means bad news. It’s a cliché but it’s true: you get what you pay for.
Choosing the wrong shop fitters can wipe out large swathes of funds. It is not, however, recommended that you overspend. Rather, it is wise to ensure that due diligence takes place so your design vision can come to fruition.
The good news is that IS possible to save money on your retail fit out AND be shrewd with your budget.
Check our top 3 ways to keep your retail fit out costs to a minimum:
Some store owners tend to leave choosing a shop fitter until the last minute, notably, after the final pieces of the planning jigsaw have been put together. It’s not nice having your hopes built up only to have them shattered through the realisation that your amazing design can’t be built to your budget.
On the other hand, drafting a shop fitter into the process in plenty of time means they can work in tandem with the designer. This ensures that the i’s have been dotted and the t’s crossed, and you can avoid, or at least identify, any potential heavy-duty work further down the line. This way you both have more time to foster a strong working relationship – essential to the success of your project.
The nature of business means that some companies will quote the bare bones to get them over the line. While this price might look great on paper, it’s only just the beginning. The client will then become plagued with outrageous deviations as discussions gather pace. If a quote looks too good to be true, then it most likely is. Question it, assess it and read it several times before you sign on the dotted line.
We recommend choosing a shopfitter you know and trust. Ask to see the portfolio of your potential suitors so you can see how they’ve performed on previous projects. You should also consider arranging a face-to-face meeting with the company. This is a great way to suss them out as well as your retail fit out costs and develop enough trust to take things up a notch.
Too many cooks in the kitchen can quickly turn on a project on its head. Stick to a core group of stakeholders, set clear, attainable objectives and hone in on them. This way you can keep everyone happy by meeting your targets and cut down on additional expenses you can do without.
As Benjamin Franklin once said, “lost time is never found again”. Give your shopfitter as much time as possible to draw up a price. This way they can source the best value price for your job. Being smart with time means you won’t have to fork out for more in a last minute rush to get your project over the line.
The cost of a retail fit out is a hot topic for every owner. A budget is a precise balancing act of quality, time management and attention to detail. If you want a company that is up front on these costs and where they can save you money, look no further than Storebest – Ireland’s leading shopfitters. Talk to us today to see what we can do for you.